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Equestria At War Hoi4

Equestria At War Hoi4

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  1. Hoi4 Equestria At War Crystal Empire
  2. Hoi4 Equestria At War Stalliongrad
Equestria At War Hoi4

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Content that breaks the spirit of these rules may be removed at moderator discretion. Hello folks, I’m Cyrus and welcome to the very first Equestria at War dev diary. In this diary we will be giving a general overview of the various Griffon nations on the new continent and introducing a new path for Equestria.Before we begin, seeing as this is our first proper dev diary, we would like to talk a bit about the mod itself. Equestria at War is a total conversion mod for Hearts of Iron 4, taking the player from the battlefields of our world to a more darker and mature version of the My Little Pony universe. Featuring a scratch-made, hand-drawn map, countless new nations, events, focus trees, technologies, improved AI, as well as unique GFX and portraits, Equestria at War aims to provide a fun and cohesive experience in our version of the MLP universe.Contrary to what some may think, EaW is not a “meme” mod, but a serious and extensive project, with talented developers and contributors. EaW is also a part of the prestigious - alongside household names such as Kaiserreich and The New Order, just to name a few.

Copy the file of the chosen country to States folder, for example C: Hearts of Iron 4 history states. 16-Ile de France.txt 361-Maryland.txt 126-Greater London Area.txt. Nov 04, 2018  Equestria at War is a mod that tries to recreate the fantasy world of Equestria from My Little Pony franchise in a slightly darker setting with industrialization, corruption and political disagreements. The scenario focuses on global confrontation between Changelings. Steam Workshop: Hearts of Iron IV. Equestria at War is a mod that tries to recreate the fantasy world of Equestria from My Little Pony franchise in a slightly darker setting with industrialization, corruption and political disagreeme.

We are currently looking for more scripters for developing events, focuses and features, and for new artists to assist with icons and portraits. If you are interested in serious, consistent work on the project, please contact a dev on our if you are willing and capable of helping, now onto the dev diary proper.You can find our, and for Russian-speakers,. The mod in its current version (0.6) is fully playable, and the Equestrian continent is fleshed out sufficiently.Please do note that everything below is work in progress, and not necessarily representative of final quality.First of all, a brief history of the Griffons and everyone else who inhabits the continent, and how their lives got turned right upside down:The Empire itself has officially existed for three hundred years.

However, long before that, many kings and lords through the Griffons’ history would claim hegemony over their fellows. The Empire itself was formally united in the year 705 ALB, when Grover of Griffinstone ascended to the throne of Griffinstone as Grover I, with the help of the Idol of Boreas and after fighting several wars against the Kings of Wingbardy and Aquileia. The defeat of both Aquileia and Wingbardy allowed him to force the various petty kings of Griffonia to recognize him as the first Emperor, or rather Imperator, of all of Griffonia. His dynasty would go on to rule the Empire for the next three hundred years, and would eventually lose the Idol of Boreas, the disappearance of which is often cited as the beginning of the Empire’s troubles.Around the year 964, the sickly ten year old Grover V ascended to the throne of the Empire after his father Grover IV died due to a stroke. What was supposed to be a short regency until the Emperor became of age turned into a cascade of debauchery, decadence and stupidity on part of the nobility, as to due to young emperor’s frail nature the regency lasted well into 978.

Hoi4 Equestria At War Crystal Empire

Equestria At War Hoi4

During that time, the nobility slowly chipped away at Imperial power, while consolidating their own. As the Imperial bureaucracy decayed, and the aristocracy strengthened, more and more depraved plans were being concocted in the shadows to get rid of the Empire once and for all.It all came crashing down one winter evening in 978, as Imperial garrisons all around the Capital found themselves facing tens,if not hundreds of thousands of angry commoners, all marching towards the Imperial Palace. While the Emperor managed to escape to the countryside unharmed, many members of the Regency Council were lynched - those unlucky few who didn’t manage to flee to their own lands. This event marked the beginning of the Griffonian Republic (which wouldn’t last very long).Many of the more powerful nobles amongst the Empire’s ranks saw the rise of the Republic as a chance to finally break free of the Empire’s grasp. The first to leave was ancient Kingdom of Wingbardy, under the leadership of King Garibald Talonuel III, with their southern allies and client states following shortly afterwards.The Wingbardian Secession was quickly followed by King Gerad Discret of Aquileia proclaiming the ancient Kingdom independent once more. Unfortunately, the king would lose his head in 980 and an Aquileian Republic would be proclaimed.

Hoi4 Equestria At War Stalliongrad

However, the Republic itself would fall only five years later and the Discret family would be restored to the Aquileian throne.To make things worse for the new republican government, a counter-revolution was launched in 979, resulting in the exile of the republican supporters to the far north of the Empire, and the restoration of Grover V to the throne. Despite the Emperor once again on the Imperial Throne, the damage had already been done, as much of the country was in utter chaos. Out of the many lords, princes and kings of Griffonia only those in the Imperial Heartlands remained loyal to the young Emperor - and even that could be considered a stretch, seeing as they maintained almost complete autonomy from the capital.In the meantime the lands of former Empire descended into an orgy of violence, bloodshed and destruction for nearly thirty years, leading to millions upon millions dead, uncountable amounts of orphans, and to a complete economic and societal collapse. These issues plague the entire continent to this day.Make no mistake - the Old Empire the world once knew is now long dead. Nowadays, upon a throne of skulls sits the shadow of a once great nation - but the idea of a united Griffonia still resonates deep within the hearts of every Griffon. Be wary, for there are many who will fight tooth and nail to make sure that the dream of a united Griffonia comes to pass once more, but there are many more who shall ensure this dream remains just that - a dream.Now back to Equestria:Hello, I am Yard1 (some of you may recall me if you have modded GTA V).

I had joined the team two months ago, and have been helping out with the mod since then. Unlike the rest of the diary, I’d like to take you back to Equestria.As you already know, Princess Luna can return to the form of her evil alter-ego, Nightmare Moon. However, Luna isn’t the only alicorn that can embrace her darker side. With Equestria in an increasingly hostile world, Princess Celestia may start doubting the way she has led ponies since times immemorial. As the war progresses, she may find herself resorting to more and more drastic measures - all to protect her little ponies.

Equestria at war discord

That, in turn, has a side effect of making her more cynical, while thoughts she would have never imagined start appearing in her headI will not spoil the path to become Daybreaker and declare Solar Empire, but I will instead present the paths the new Solar Empire can take.First order of business for the newly crowned Empress is to choose which path as a ruler she will take. Will she become a protector, uniting her subjects against threats both foreign and domestic, or will she view herself as a Mother to her ponies - and as children need, give them stern but fair guidance? Or maybe she will realize her power as the One who Raises the Sun, and demand worship from her subjects? Each path will have different bonuses and maluses.After the situation has stabilized somewhat, the Empire will need to reorganize its military. With many officers still unsure about the new persona of their ruler, some changes in the general staff may be necessary.The young officers propose four different, comprehensive plans for the army to follow - the Empire may focus on utilizing its raw industrial power; the tried and tested, carefully planned strategies; the masses of ponies ready to fight or the magical potential of their soldiers.The Imperial Air Force and Navy too stand before different choices. The Air Force can implement a flexible, tactical bomber based doctrine, or let a previously shunned officer, Blaze Firehooves, go forward with her plan of destroying enemy’s industrial base and infrastructure on an unprecedented scale. The Navy can pursue a path of a battleship or carrier supremacy - with both able to secure the dominance of the seas in the name of the Solar Empire.There is, of course, the issue of reunification and subjects.

While some may break contact with Canterlot after Daybreaker’s ascension, the Empress will have several options to bring the troublemakers back to the fold.And lastly, the Empire, with all its might and glory, will bring Harmony and Order to everywhere the Sun shines - and all will see the Light.Hope you enjoyed our dev diary! We hope to show more progress soon.Until next time,Equestria at War team.

Equestria At War Hoi4